Framing Cameos and Lapel Pins 3 ~ Gallery Shop

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Framing Cameos and Lapel Pins 3, Waterfowl Sculptures Gallery: Featuring a select collection of quality Waterfowl and Decoy Sculpture editions. Home Lodge collection for hunting, fishing, outdoor enthusiasts. Most of the framing cameos are available with a pin backing for wearing as a hand painted lapel pin.

Chris Dixon Studios--P.O.Box380173--Murdock,FL33948--Ph/Fx888-700-8528
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Title:        Product Description:          Stock#:  Quantity
Price + Ship
Frog: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00039F-Frog:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Fox Head Red: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00040FH-Fox Hea:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Common Goldeneye Head: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00043GD-Common :
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Golden Retriever Head: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00044GR-Golden :
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Goldfinch Full Body: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00045GF-Goldfin:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Goldfinch Head: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00046GH-Goldfin:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

Go To ShopCart Green-Winged Teal Head
Green-Winged Teal Head: Our hand painted framing cameos are a great accessory for your fine art framing. In addition most of the framing cameos are available with a pin backing for wearing as a hand painted lapel pin. The lapel pins are an ideal way to show your interest in the outdoors at your local conservation banquet or workplace. Many educators have told us that they enjoy wearing different pins depending on the time of year and the subject matter of that day's lesson.
Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00047GW-Green-W:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Hooded Merganser: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00048HM-Hooded :
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Flying Kite: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00051KT-Flying :
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Labrador, Black Head: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00052BL-Labrado:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Labrador, Chocolate Head: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00053CH-Labrado:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Labrador, Yellow Head: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00054YL-Labrado:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Loon Head: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00055LH-Loon He:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Loon Mother & Chick: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00056LM-Loon Mo:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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Loon Swimming: Cameos are handpainted and require advance notice 4 - 6 weeks shipping time[contact for info.]
. : CAMEOS : : LL-C00057LS-Loon Sw:
Sale: $12
+ $ ship

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