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Folk Art Fish ~ Gallery Shop

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Folk Art Fish Sculptures Gallery: Featuring a select collection of quality Folk Art Fish Sculpture editions, antique woodcarving replicas.

Chris Dixon Studios--P.O.Box380173--Murdock,FL33948--Ph/Fx888-700-8528
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Title:        Product Description:          Stock#:  Quantity
Price + Ship
Retail Fish Dock Display
Retail Fish Dock Display: [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 37 in. Wide x 30 in. Tall x 10.5 in. Deep: LL-F016-Retail :
Sale: $112.5
+ $ ship
Baby Bluegill
Baby Bluegill: Baby Bluegill 3.25 in. Long,
Prices $30 min. order
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 7 in. Long: LL-F003-Baby Bl:
Sale: $7.46
+ $7 ship
Miniature Crappie
Miniature Crappie: Miniature Crappie 3.5 in. Long, [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 3.5 in. Long: LL-F006-Miniatu:
Sale: $7.46
+ $7 ship
Miniature Brook Trout
Miniature Brook Trout: Miniature Brook Trout 4.25 in. Long, [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 4.5 in. Long: LL-F0061-Miniatu:
Sale: $7.46
+ $7 ship
Miniature Brown Trout
Miniature Brown Trout: Miniature Brown Trout 4.25 in. Long, [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 4.25 in. Long: LL-F0062-Miniatu:
Sale: $7.46
+ $7 ship
Miniature Rainbow Trout
Miniature Rainbow Trout: Miniature Rainbow Trout 4.5 in. Long, [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 4.5 in. Long: LL-F0063-Miniatu:
Sale: $7.46
+ $7 ship
Miniature Largemouth Bass
Miniature Largemouth Bass: Miniature Largemouth Bass 4.75 in. Long,
Prices $30 min. order
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 4.75 in. Long: LL-F0064-Miniatu:
Sale: $7.46
+ $7 ship
Miniature Tiger Muskie
Miniature Tiger Muskie: Miniature Tiger Muskie 7 in. Long[contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 7 in. Long: LL-F0065-Miniatu:
Sale: $7.46
+ $7 ship
Miniature Northern Pike Sculpture
Miniature Northern Pike Sculpture: Miniature Northern Pike sculpture 6.5 in. Long, [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 6.5 in. Long: LL-F0066-Miniatu:
Sale: $7.46
+ $7 ship
Miniature Perch Fish Sculpture
Miniature Perch Fish Sculpture: Miniature Perch Fish sculpture 4.5 in. Long, [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 4.5 in. Long: LL-F0067-Miniatu:
Sale: $7.46
+ $7 ship
Miniature Walleye Fish Sculpture
Miniature Walleye Fish Sculpture: Miniature Walleye Fish Sculpture 5.5 in. Long, [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 5.5 in. Long: LL-F0068-Miniatu:
Sale: $7.46
+ $7 ship
Complete Set Of Mini Fish
Complete Set Of Mini Fish: [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : : LL-C001-Complet:
Sale: $77.25
+ $ ship
Leo The Frog
Leo The Frog: Leo the Frog 1939, 8.75 in. Long[contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 8.75 in. Long: LL-F001-Leo The:
Sale: $8.96
+ $7 ship
Crappie Keeper
Crappie Keeper: Crappie Keeper 10 in. Long[contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 10 in. Long: LL-F002-Crappie:
Sale: $19.43
+ $7 ship
Great Catch-Brown Trout
Great Catch-Brown Trout: Great Catch-Brown Trout 19 in. Long[contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE FOLK ART FISH : 19 in. Long: LL-F004-Great C:
Sale: $41.96
+ $11 ship
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