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Waterfowl Decoy Duck Sculptures Gallery 2

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Waterfowl Sculptures Gallery 2: Featuring a select collection of quality Waterfowl and Decoy Sculpture editions

Chris Dixon Studios--P.O.Box380173--Murdock,FL33948--Ph/Fx888-700-8528
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Wood Duck, Preening Drake - Life-Size Collection
Wood Duck, Preening Drake - Life-Size Collection: preening wood duck with acorn..[contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE PUDDLE DUCKS : 11 in. L x 6.5 in. W x 6.5 in. H: LL-PUKN251-Wood Du:
Sale: $112.5
+ $20.5 ship
Gadwall sp Front
..adwall sp Front
Gadwall Duck Life Sized Spring Plumage
Gadwall Duck Life Sized Spring Plumage: Life-size, 14" Long by 7 1/2" Wide by 71/2" Tall
Our new Gadwall features a raised leg on one side and a dropped wing on the other. Like getting two sculptures for the price of one, display either the side with the beautiful speculum patch or the action position side with the raised leg. Both positions show off nature's beautiful details of a drake Gadwall.
Gadwall have one of the widest ranges of any duck specie commonly breeding throughout the North Temperate Zone. They can be found in abundance in winter on southern freshwater marshes and occasionally on saltwater marshes. The male Gadwall is a handsome duck with soft shades of grays and tans. Gadwall are "Puddle" or "Dabbling" ducks. They feed by tipping forward so their tail sticks up as they reach for plant vegetation on the bottom of shallow marshes and rivers. A Gadwall's diet consists almost totally of vegetation with some invertebrates being eaten for extra protein during breeding season. The perfect gift for any waterfowl enthusiast, order today to add this eye-catching sculpture as a special gift or to add it your personal collection.[contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE PUDDLE DUCKS : 14 in. L x 7.5 in. W x 7.5 in. H: LL-PUKN40-Gadwall:
Sale: $112.5
+ $20.5 ship
Cinnamon Teal, Wading, Life-Size Collection
Cinnamon Teal, Wading, Life-Size Collection: Cinnamon Teal, Wading Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size[contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE PUDDLE DUCKS : 11 in. L x 4.5 in. W x 6 in. H: LL-W00052CTW-A-Cinnamo:
Sale: $112.5
+ $20.5 ship
Wood Duck Pair, Nesting With House
Wood Duck Pair, Nesting With House: [contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE PUDDLE DUCKS : 12 Tall x 9 in. Wide x 8.5 in. D: LL-PUKN351-Wood Du:
Sale: $74.25
+ $22.5 ship
Pintail Duck Courtship Life-Size Collection
Pintail Duck Courtship Life-Size Collection: Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size This stunning new life-size Courtship Display Pintail sculpture will be available for early October shipping. Orders being taken now! Impress your fellow collectors and waterfowler's by being the first to own this exciting new sculpture. Features a removable tail for easy cleaning and safe moving. [contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE PUDDLE DUCKS : 13 in. L x 6.5 in. W x 9.5 in. H: LL-PUKN3-Pintail:
Sale: $105
+ $22.5 ship
Widgeon, Weaver Bottoms
Widgeon, Weaver Bottoms: [contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE PUDDLE DUCKS : 11 in. L x 11 in. W x 11 in. H: LL-PUKN273-Widgeon:
Sale: $112.5
+ $22.5 ship
Black Duck Big Marsh
Black Duck Big Marsh: (14 L x 7 w x 8.5 h inches) The Black Duck [Anas rubripes] can be found on any body of water. Tends to prefer wooded ponds inland and salt marshes and estuaries, especially in winter, throughout coastal parts of its range. A large, dark, dabbling duck of eastern ponds and marshes. Bill is olive green to yellow. Markings of chest feathers U-shaped. Eclipse plumage similar, but chest feathers without internal markings. Named for its overall dark plumage, its scientific species name, rubripes, is, however, derived from its red leg color. The bill is dusky yellow on males and a darker olive on females. In flight, it is the only regularly occurring North American duck to show bright white underwings. It also lacks a white border of its speculum (wing patch).
This exquisitely painted sculpture is an exact reproduction of Sam Nottleman's original carving. You will be impressed by the intricate detail of this rendition right down to the realistic feathering and natural paint schemes.
Bought as a gift or added to your collection you will not be disappointed. We guarantee your satisfaction[contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE PUDDLE DUCKS : 14 in. L x 7 in. W x 8.5 in. H: LL-PUKN272-Black D:
Sale: $112.5
+ $22.5 ship
Hooded Merganser Courting
Hooded Merganser Courting: Hooded Merganser Male has a black head, neck, and back, and white underparts with two black bars on side of breast. Flanks are red-brown. Distinct crest shows large white patch when raised and white stripe extending backwards from the eye when lowered. Eyes are bright yellow. Wings are dark with white shoulder patches visible in flight. Female is duller with bushy brown crest, gray upper breast and flanks, and white markings on wings. Juvenile is similar to female but may lack crest. These birds breed and winter in the Great Lakes region, eastern Canada, and the Pacific Northwest. Preferred habitats include small forest pools, millponds, swamps, and beaver ponds.[contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE DIVING DUCKS : 11.5 in. L x 5 in. W x 7 in. H: LL-PUKN36-Hooded :
Sale: $105
+ $20.5 ship
Ring-Necked Duck, Life-Size Collection
Ring-Necked Duck, Life-Size Collection: (12 x 6 x 8.5 h) Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size
. : LIFE-SIZE DIVING DUCKS : 12 in. L x 6 in. W x 8.5 in. H: LL-PUKN24-Ring-Ne:
Sale: $105
+ $20.5 ship
Canvasback Duck Standing
..k Duck Standing
Canvasback Duck, Standing Drake, Life-Size Standing
Canvasback Duck, Standing Drake, Life-Size Standing: (15 x 8 x 13 h) Waterfowl Duck Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size[contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE DIVING DUCKS : 15 in. L x 8 in. W x 13 in. H: LL-PUKN29-Canvasb:
Sale: $142.5
+ $26.5 ship
Bluebill Duck Lifesize
Bluebill Duck Lifesize: (11 x 5.5 x 8 h) Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size This stunning new life-size Bluebill sculpture will be available for early October shipping. Orders being taken now! Impress your fellow collectors and waterfowlers by being the first to own this exciting new sculpture.
. : LIFE-SIZE DIVING DUCKS : 11 in. L x 5.5 in. W x 8 in. H: LL-PUKN240-Bluebil:
Sale: $105
+ $ ship
Life-Size Swan Lake Redhead Waterfowl Sculpture
Life-Size Swan Lake Redhead Waterfowl Sculpture: [L 10.5 x W 5 x H 5 inches ] The Redhead is an excellent diver and uses this valuable tool to obtain its food. Their diet is mainly composed of vegetable matter which makes them a tasty dinner because they do not have the fishy flavor that many other waterfowl have. The Redhead is easy to spot because of its beautiful red head and blue bill, which separates this great diver from the rest of the waterfowl. You can catch a glimpse of this breathtaking bird in the famous flying "V" formation coming back home from its southern migration in March. [contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE DIVING DUCKS : 12 in. L x 4 in. W x 6.5 in. H: LL-PUKN901-Life-Si:
Sale: $105
+ $22.5 ship
Canvasback Duck, Swimming Drake Alert, Life-Size
Canvasback Duck, Swimming Drake Alert, Life-Size: Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size[contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE DIVING DUCKS : 13 in. L x 8 in. W x 8.5 in. H: LL-PUKN37-Canvasb:
Sale: $112.5
+ $22.5 ship
Ruddy Duck, Swimming Drake, Life-Size Decoy
Ruddy Duck, Swimming Drake, Life-Size Decoy: Decoy Waterfowl Duck Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size.
The intricately hand painted Hen Pintail is subtlety striking in her soft tan and brown feather colorations. If you own a Drake or are looking to add to or start your Hen collection it will be hard to beat our limited edition wading Hen Pintail. [contact for info.]
. : LIFE-SIZE DIVING DUCKS : 10 in. L x 5 in. W x 6 in. H: LL-PUKN91-Ruddy D:
Sale: $90
+ $20.5 ship
Artists In Wood Book
Artists In Wood Book: [contact for info.]
Sale: $21.71
+ $ ship
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