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Upland Birds and Songbirds Sculpture Gallery

Waterfowl Sculptures | Upland Birds and Songbirds | Folk Art Fish | Home Lodge Decor | Awards | Info.

Upland Birds and Songbirds Sculpture Gallery: Featuring a select collection of quality Upland Birds and Songbirds Sculpture editions.

Chris Dixon Studios--P.O.Box380173--Murdock,FL33948--Ph/Fx888-700-8528
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Title:        Product Description:          Stock#:  Quantity
Price + Ship
Strutting Eastern Wild Turkey
Strutting Eastern Wild Turkey: [L 10 x W9.5 x H 13 inches ] The Wild Turkey is truly one of today's finest conservation success stories. Once nearly vanished from the wild, the Eastern Wild Turkey's population has been brought back to a safe level due in part to concerned sportsmen and women along with contribution of millions of dollars and hours of free labor. This particular sculpture was hand-crafted and painted by Sam and Lilly Nottleman. As part of the Master Carver series this work of art displays the talent and attention to detail used by the Nottlemans! [contact for info.]
. : : : LL-0-Strutti:
Sale: $186
+ $16 ship

Go To ShopCart  'Timberdoodle' Flying Woodcock Wall Mount Sculpture
'Timberdoodle' Flying Woodcock Wall Mount Sculpture: [contact for info.]
. : FLYING UPLAND BIRD WALL MOUNT : 11 in. H x 8 in. W x 9 in. D: LL-PUKN2883- 'Timbe:
Sale: $81.75
+ $14 ship

Go To ShopCart  'Flushed' Flying Ruffed Grouse Wall Mount Sculpture
'Flushed' Flying Ruffed Grouse Wall Mount Sculpture: [contact for info.]
. : FLYING UPLAND BIRD WALL MOUNT : 18 in. H x 15 in. W x 13 in. D: LL-PUKN2884- 'Flush:
Sale: $119.25
+ $16 ship

Go To ShopCart Rooooooster' Flying Pheasant Wall Mount Sculpture
Rooooooster' Flying Pheasant Wall Mount Sculpture: [contact for info.]
. : FLYING UPLAND BIRD WALL MOUNT : 18 in. H x 21 in. W x12 in. D: LL-PUKN2890-Roooooo:
Sale: $119.25
+ $15 ship

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Flying Decoy Display Stands For Temporary Use At Fundraising Events Only : [contact for info.]
$call for price + $ ship

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Woodcock Miniature Upland Gamebird
Woodcock Miniature Upland Gamebird: 8 in. Diameter Base by 6 3/4 in. Tall, Limited Edition, Hand Painted Upland Game Bird Sculpture. [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE UPLAND BIRDS : 8 in. Base x 6.75 in. Tall: LL-PUKN33-Woodcoc:
Sale: $67.5
+ $11 ship

Go To ShopCart Miniature Pheasant On Milk Can
Miniature Pheasant On Milk Can: [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE UPLAND BIRDS : 8 in. Base 6 in. Tall x 15.5 in. : LL-PUKN301-Miniatu:
Sale: $90
+ $11 ship

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Mourning Dove Miniature Upland Gamebird
Mourning Dove Miniature Upland Gamebird: 6 1/2 in. Diameter Base by 9 3/4 in. Tall, Limited Edition, Hand Painted. Known for the mournful cooing Mourning Doves are found across the United States. Upland Game Bird Sculpture. [contact for info.]
. : MINIATURE UPLAND BIRDS : 6.5 in. Base x 9.75 in. Tall: LL-PUKN34-Mournin:
Sale: $74.25
+ $11 ship

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Oriole & Orange Life-Size Songbird
Oriole & Orange Life-Size Songbird: 6 1/2 in. Diameter Base by 5 3/4 in. Tall, Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size Song Bird Sculpture. [contact for info.]
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 6.5 in. Base x 6 in. H: LL-PUKN95-Oriole :
Sale: $44.25
+ $11 ship

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Chickadee & Apple Life-Size Songbird
Chickadee & Apple Life-Size Songbird: 5 in. Base by 5 1/2 in. Tall, Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size Song Bird Sculpture. [contact for info.]
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 5 in. Base x 5 in. H: LL-PUKN92-Chickad:
Sale: $44.25
+ $10 ship

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Cardinal & Pine Cone
Cardinal & Pine Cone: 6 1/2 in. Base by 5 1/2 in. Tall, Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size[contact for info.]
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 6.5 in. Base x 5.5 in. H: LL-PUKN93-Cardina:
Sale: $44.25
+ $10 ship

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Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker: (8 H x 4.5 W x 6 D inches) The Northern flicker [Colaptes auratus] is a common ant-eating woodpecker of open areas, the Northern Flicker has two color forms found in different regions. The yellow-shafted form is common across the eastern and northern parts of North America, while the red-shafted form is the one found in the West. Although it can climb up the trunks of trees and hammer on wood like other woodpeckers, the Northern Flicker prefers to find food on the ground. Ants are its favorite food, and the flicker digs in the dirt to find them. It uses its long barbed tongue to lap up the ants.[contact for info.]
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 8 in. H x 4.5 in. W x 6 in. D: LL-PUKN973-Norther:
Sale: $44.25
+ $10 ship

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Indigo Bunting & Blackeyed Susan
Indigo Bunting & Blackeyed Susan: 5 in. Diameter Base by 5 1/4 in. Tall, Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size
Prices $30 min. order
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 5 in. Base x 5 in. H: LL-PUKN97-Indigo :
Sale: $44.25
+ $10 ship

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Red-Headed Woodpecker
Red-Headed Woodpecker: (8 H x 4.5 W x 6 D inches) Adult Red-headed Woodpeckers [Melanerpes erythrocephalus] are unique and unmistakable, with a red head, neck and throat, black tail, black wings with large white patches at the secondaries, along with a white rump and underparts. Males excavate nest cavities in barkless, dead tree trunks or limbs from 6 feet to 75 feet above ground. The task takes about two weeks. .[contact for info.]
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 8 in. H x 4.5 in. W x 6 in. D: LL-PUKN974-Red-Hea:
Sale: $44.25
+ $10 ship

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Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Life-Size Songbird
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Life-Size Songbird: Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size NEW RELEASE! This stunning new life-size Rose-breasted Grosbeak sculpture will be available for early October shipping. Orders being taken now! Impress your fellow collectors by being the first to own this exciting new sculpture. Song Bird Sculpture. [contact for info.]
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 8 in. Base x 7 in. H: LL-PUKN970-Rose-Br:
Sale: $44.25
+ $10 ship

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