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Special Occasions 2 ~ Crystal Gallery Shop

Special Occasions 2 Crystal Gallery. Featuring a select collection of crystal figurines, paperweights, prisms and sculptures.


Chris Dixon Studios--P.O.Box380173--Murdock,FL33948--Ph/Fx888-700-8528
When purchasing, Please apply our order terms and any unique terms of this gallery.
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Picture Frame W/Red Rose In Velvet Box
Picture Frame W/Red Rose In Velvet Box: Length: 7 in. This beautiful frame with a crystal red rose can be used as either an award or a picture frame. Comes in a blue velvet box, and holds 4X6 photos. [contact for info.]
. : CF-F-23-Picture:
Sale: $76.5
+ $18 ship

Go To ShopCart Picture Frame W/Pacifier In Velvet Box
Picture Frame W/Pacifier In Velvet Box: Length: 7 in. Here is an elegant crystal picture frame to celebrate baby's firt babtism or first photo. Comes in a blue velvet box, and holds 4X6 photos. [contact for info.]
. : CF-F-24-Picture:
Sale: $76.5
+ $18 ship

Go To ShopCart Picture Frame W/Wedding Bands In Velvet Box
Picture Frame W/Wedding Bands In Velvet Box: Length: 7 in. A Wedding Picture displayed in our one of a kind crystal picture frames with miniture wedding bands is priceless. Comes in a blue velvet box, and holds 4X6 photos. [contact for info.]
. : CF-F-25-Picture:
Sale: $76.5
+ $18 ship

Go To ShopCart Gift Wrapping
Gift Wrapping: Length: Giftwraps : Gold OR Silver. [contact for info.]
. : CF-gift-3wrap-Gift Wr:
Sale: $3
+ $1 ship

Go To ShopCart Gift Card
Gift Card: Length: Note cards: Blank, Flower, Heart, Thank You, Birthday and Christmas [contact for info.]
. : CF-gift-1card-Gift Ca:
Sale: $1
+ $1 ship

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