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Original {{[0].GalleryFreindlyName}} Gallery of {{[0].Category}} and {{[0].SubCategory}} Sculpture Artist Editions. Featuring Endangered Wildlife Sculpture Art Editions of {{[0].KeyWords}}.

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Official Collection of "{{[0].GalleryFreindlyName}}" Artist Editions {{[0].GalleryDescription}} Featuring Endangered Wildlife Sculpture Art Editions.

From mountaintop to tabletop! Wildlife Sculpture editions hand made and custom painted American artist studio statues and paintings professionally made in USA since 1976. This quality American craftsmanship is available as custom made artworks at very reasonable costs that maintain heirloom value. Experience and attention to quality of materials and detail is evident in all these pleasing artworks.


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Comments (3)


My name is mike white I bought a pelican mailbox 3 years ago in Boynton Beach fl it still looks great , you told me to clear it later on what is the product and steps


Hi Mike, I wanted to add my clear coat for sale here: /artgallery/category/painting/. My industrial acrylic clear costs me $80/gal. it is not yet posted online because I am negotiating a less costly alternative. you would only need a pint. You might get good results with Rust Oleum 2x Gloss spray can. The process is to clean, maroon scrubby any area needing Acrylic Art paint before touch up and spray on clear coat. I use a 2 in. cheap brush to brush away any drips. several coats works but lay it on wet! Be welcome to contact direct anytime and i may get a custom order if you prefer.


Pelican mailbox comes with your choice of mailbox installed and ready to mount on post!

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