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Upland Birds and Songbirds 2 Sculpture Gallery

Waterfowl Sculptures | Upland Birds and Songbirds | Folk Art Fish | Home Lodge Decor | Awards | Info.

Upland Birds and Songbirds 2 Sculpture Gallery: Featuring a select collection of quality Upland Birds and Songbirds Sculpture editions.

Chris Dixon Studios--P.O.Box380173--Murdock,FL33948--Ph/Fx888-700-8528
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Bluebird & Flower Pot Life-Size Songbird
Bluebird & Flower Pot Life-Size Songbird: 6 in. Base, 6 in. Tall, Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size. Bluebirds are a member of the Thrush family and are related to the American Robin. The Eastern Bluebird is the most commonly known of the three subspecies of Bluebirds found in North America. It is found across the eastern United States from western North Dakota south to mid Texas with wintering ranges as far south as eastern Central America. A cavity nester Bluebirds will readily nest in properly designed boxes placed adjacent to open areas, fields and grasslands. It is in these habitats that Bluebirds find their preferred diet of insects. They eat large quantities of insects like cutworms and grasshoppers, benefiting gardeners and farmers. Once very common in the United States, the last century has seen their numbers diminished due to loss of natural habitat and overuse of pesticides.
Prices $30 min. order
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 6.5 in. Base x 7 in. H: LL-PUKN94-Bluebir:
Sale: $44.25
+ $10 ship

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 Goldfinch & Cone Flower Life-Size Songbird
Goldfinch & Cone Flower Life-Size Songbird: 5 in. Base by 5 1/4 in. Tall, Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size Song Bird Sculpture.
Prices $30 min. order
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 5 in. Base x 5 in. H: LL-PUKN96- Goldfi:
Sale: $44.25
+ $10 ship

Go To ShopCart House Finch
House Finch: [contact for info.]
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 5 in. Base x 5 in. H: LL-PUKN972-House F:
Sale: $44.25
+ $10 ship

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American Robin Life-Size Songbird
American Robin Life-Size Songbird: Limited Edition, Hand Painted, Life-size NEW RELEASE! This stunning new life-size American Robin sculpture will be available for early October shipping. Orders being taken now! Impress your fellow collectors by being the first to own this exciting new sculpture. Song Bird Sculpture. [contact for info.]
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 13 in. Oval Base x 9 in. H: LL-PUKN971-America:
Sale: $66.75
+ $11 ship

Go To ShopCart Red-Winged Blackbird
Red-Winged Blackbird: [contact for info.]
. : BACKYARD SONGBIRDS : 6 in. Oval Base x 7.5 in. H: LL-PUKN976-Red-Win:
Sale: $44.25
+ $10 ship

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